Input Validation

Ensures that applications only act on well-defined and uncontaminated data
Validation Rules: Delineate acceptable and unacceptable inputs
Application should use frontend and backend validation

Static Code Analysis (SAST)

Also called White box testing

GitHub uses CodeQL engine by default
Can use other engines that output results in SARIF (Static Analysis Result Interchange Format)
When enabled an Action is setup to perform the code analysis

SonarQube (has Free version) & SonarCloud (Cloud based SaaS) are popular enterprise code analysis tool
MPD (Programming Mistake Detector) is an code analysis tool used in the Java ecosystem, Roslyn Analyzer is similarly used for C# code

Dynamic Code Analysis (DAST)

Also called Black box testing
The code of the application is not analyzed by the tool

Fuzzing: Bombard software with random data to trigger crashes and vulnerabilities
Stress Testing: Evaluate the stability and reliability of a system under extreme conditions

ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) an tool from OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) popular tool to run Dynamic Web Application Security Tests

Dependency Scanning/ Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Used to check if packages used by application are secure
These tools also allow to generate a overview on the Software Licensing used by the dependencies
WhiteSource Bolt, Black Duck (Synopsys Detect), OWASP Dependency Checker and Dependabot are commonly used tools in this space

Azure Container Registry uses Qualys for scanning Docker Images
Synk, Trivy are other Docker Scanners

Code Signing

Technique used to confirm the identity of the software author and guarantee that the code has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed


Security mechanism that is used to isolate running programs by limiting the resources they can access and the changes they can make to a system
It also allows testing of code under various environments