Sniff Packets on 2.4GHz Network

airodump-ng <interface>

Sniff Packets on 5GHz Networks

airodump-ng --band a wlan0

Sniff Packets on 2.4GHz and 5GHz Networks

airodump-ng --band abg wlan0

When trying to sniff on both the frequencies the results that are going to be generated slowly due to the extra processing required to hop and capture packets between two frequencies

Result Output
BSSID : MAC Address of Target
PWR : Signal Strength (High no. better signal)
Beacons : Packets to Broadcasts existence
\#Data : No. packets with different IVs captured
\#/s : Data packets collected in last 10s
Channel : The channel of the router
MB : Max speed supported by network
ENC : Encryption used
Cipher : Cipher used
Auth : Authentication method used
ESSID : Name of Wireless Network

Sniff Packets on Specific Network

airodump-ng --bssid <router-bssid> --channel <channel> --write <filename> <interface>

Along with the above columns the following columns are shown for devices connected on network
Station : MAC Address of Devices
PWR : Signal
Speed : Speed of Connection
Lost : Amount of packets lost
Frame : Packets Captured
Probe : Device probing for other networks

The data that was captured is stored is .cap file (Capture File). It can be opened and explored in Wireshark