Public Cloud

Everything runs on Cloud providers hardware
No local hardware
Some services share hardware with other customers

No CapExSecurity & Compliance
High Availability & AgilityOwnership
Pay as you goSpecific scenario’s with unique business requirement
No hardware maintenance
No deep technical skill required

Private Cloud (On-Premise)

Everything runs on your own datacenter
Self-service should be provided
We maintain the hardware

Can support any scenarioInitial CapEx
Control over securityLimited Agility
Can meet security & compliance requirementsIT skills & Expertise are mandatory

Hybrid Cloud

Combine both public & private cloud
Great flexibility

Great flexibilityCan be more expensive
Run legacy apps in private cloudComplicated to manage
Utilize existing infrastructureIT skills and expertise are mandatory
Meet any security requirement

Multi Cloud

Uses multiple cloud providers
Also called as “cross-cloud” or “hybrid-cloud”