Used to implement Event based architectures (Pub/Sub Model)
Subscribers can be services in Azure or custom Webhooks
Supports sending events from one publisher to many subscribers

Can be scaled up and down as required
It is a serverless service so we pay only for what we use

There is no Resource that can be provisioned called Event Grid, instead it is feature that needs to be enabled at the Subscription level (Resource Providers)

Pub/Sub Concepts

An event only signifies that something has changed
Publisher does not know what happens with the event
Subscriber decides what to do with the event


Events: Smallest unit of data. Describes what happened
Publisher: Application that emits events
Topics: Collection of related events. Endpoint to which events are sent
Subscriptions: Routes and filters events to handlers
Handlers: Apps that consume the events

Custom Topics

Create our own publisher that will emit events from our application
The event by default will have the same schema as Azure Topics (Events on Azure)
It can be customized to include custom information