Cloud Functions

It is Function as a Service (FaaS) offering
Allows to choose a runtime, upload a single function code (Not full web apps)
Intended for short lived applications

#gcp-compute-service #gcp-serverless-service

Cloud Run

Develop and manage highly scalable containerized applications on a fully managed serverless platform or on Anthos
Supports applications built using event-driven architecture
Can scale based on the incoming requests

#gcp-container-service #gcp-serverless-service

App Engine

It is a PaaS offering (Standard Environment is Serverless)
Allows to quickly manage, build and deploy web apps on GCP



It is an Serverless Event Bus Service
Asynchronously deliver events from Google services, SaaS and our own apps
It is used for application integration



It is a Serverless K8 container service
Allows to deploy and manage serverless, cloud-native applications for Kubernetes


It is a Serverless State Machine service
Allows to orchestrate and automate Google Cloud and HTTP based API services



It is a Serverless Data Warehouse
Allows to store petabytes of data using a NoSQL wide-column database service
Has build-in ML support


Cloud Storage

It is a serverless storage offering
It is a object store that is highly available and distributed
Stores objects with global edge caching
