Watermarks are used to decide the reasonable lateness of data. Lateness of data could occur due to various reasons like network congestion, latency, etc.
If data is within the reasonable lateness it is allowed in system else it may or may not be allowed

Output Modes

Append Mode

Window not triggered until timestamp is elapsed. No partial updates

Update Mode

Window will trigger even before timestamp is elapsed. Partial updates are recorded

Complete Mode

Cannot be used with watermarks


Aggregation must be event-time, or event-time window
.withWatermark() must be called on same timestamp column as aggregate
.withWatermark() must be called before the aggregation


Data before watermark is accepted while data after watermark may or may not be rejected

Word count with Watermark & Sliding Window

WwindowedCounts = words.withWatermark("timestamp", "10 seconds").groupBy(window("timestamp", "10 seconds", "5 seconds"), "word").count()
query1 = WwindowedCounts.writeStream.outputMode("append").format("console").option("numRows", 40).option("truncate", "false").start()