ACI resources are created in the Container Group which is a VM on which the container with be run
Containers deployed in the same group share the VM, Networking, Storage and lifecycle

When creating ACI we can specify the CPU and Memory required (Default: 1 core & 1.5 GB)
Uses Azure Files to store persistent data that is used by the container

To access containers deployed to ACI over the internet we need to provide the DNS label name
Domain Name: http://<domain-label-name>.<region>
Containers can be made private to not have access to the internet

Restart Policy: Always (Restart even if app exits gracefully), Failure and Never
Elastic Burst: Provision container to handle the extra computing required by AKS

Supports Windows and Linux Containers
It is a serverless offering similar to Azure Functions

PaaS (Platform as a Service)
No autoscaling
Min Nodes: 0 (Jobs like running scripts)
Max Nodes: 20

Use cases
Small and simple web apps
Background jobs
Scheduled Scripts