
C-level Executives (Senior Leadership)
They set the vision, mission and direction of the organization
Approves the policies created by management
Sets the risk appetite of the organization


Decides how to get to the destination
They make the policies of the organization
Builds plans using the direction provided by leadership

Values: Ethics, Principles, Beliefs
Vision: Hope and Ambition
Mission: Motivation and Purpose

Governance: Strategic Plan (3-5 years) - Reviewed Annually, Long Term
Management: Tactical Plan (1 year) - Projects, Acquisitions, Hiring Budgets
Staff: Operational Plan - High detail, Updated Frequently


They are high level and not specific
They are mandatory to be followed

Regulatory: Organization has to follow based on the industry (Hospital, Credit Union)
Advisory: Outlines behavior that is acceptable and not acceptable in organization
Informational: Inform employees about mission, vision and values


Describes a specific use of the technology
They are mandatory for organizations to follow


Low-level step-by-step guides on how something is to be implemented
They are mandatory for organizations


Recommendations and best-practices for performing a task
They are not mandatory for organizations to follow