Locally-Redundant Storage (LRS)

Copies data synchronously three times within a single AZ in the primary region
It is the cheapest option but not recommended when high availability is required
Provides eleven 9s durability

Zone-Redundant Storage (ZRS)

Copies data synchronously three times within three AZ in the same region
For high availability and durability this is the minimum recommended replication option
A write request only returns as success if the write was possible in all three AZ
Provides twelve 9s durability over a course of a year
If a failure happens in any of the AZ Azure performs automatic failover
Its option is not available in all regions and archive option is not available with this redundancy option

Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS)

Copies the data synchronously three times in the same region using LRS and also copies the data asynchronously three time to another region
By default reads and writes only go to the primary region
We can configure the secondary region to allow read access (Read Access Geo-Redundant Storage)
Provides sixteen 9s of durability

Geo-zone-redundant Storage (GZRS)

Copies data synchronously three times into AZs in the primary region and asynchronously copies the data to the secondary region where it is synchronously copied three times into a AZ
By default reads and writes only go to the primary region
We can configure the secondary region to allow read access (Read Access Geo-Zone-Redundant Storage)
Provides sixteen 9s of durability

Data Redundancy - Azure Storage | Microsoft Docs

Storage Account is by default created with RA-GRS which is recommended for Production