Penetration Testing

Physical Pentesting

Testing an organization’s physical security through testing locks, access cards, security cameras and other protective measures

Offensive Pentesting

Also called Red Teaming
It is a proactive approach that involves the use of attack techniques, akin to real cyber threats, that seek and exploit system vulnerabilities

Defensive Pentesting

Also called Blue Teaming
It is a reactive approach that entails fortifying systems, identifying and addressing attacks and enhancing incident response times

Integrated Pentesting

Also called Purple Teaming
Combination of aspects of both offensive and defensive testing into a single penetration test

Pentesting Environments

Known Environment

Detailed target infrastructure information from the organization is received
Evaluate vulnerabilities and weaknesses in known systems
Similar to an Insider Threat attack

Partially Known Environment

Limited information was provided to testers who may have partial knowledge of the system
The aim is to identify vulnerabilities in both known and hidden assets
Scenario attack has gained some information through a previous attack

Unknown Environment

Testers receive minimal to no information about the target system
Mimic a real-work attack where an attacker has limited information about assets