Enterprise Identity and Access Management service
Authentication: OpenID Connect
Authorization: OAuth 2.0

Azure AD is now renamed to Microsoft Entra ID

AAD uses a flat hierarchy to store Identities
It utilizes cloud based authentication protocols instead of Kerberos, NTLM
Allows for Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

App Registration: Allows developers to integrate web-apps to Azure AD

AAD Service Tiers

Free: MFA, SSO, Basic Security & Usage Reports, User Management
Microsoft 365: Custom Branding, SLA, Password Reset
Premium 1: Hybrid Architecture, Advanced Group Access, Conditional Access
Premium 2: Identity Protection, Identity Governance

Security Groups

They are used to group AD objects together and apply similar config and settings
Azure AD Security Groups are Security Principals (allows access Azure Resources)
All types of identities can be added into a Security Group

The members can be added natively from cloud or can be synced from on-prem AD
Details of groups synced from on-prem has to be directly changed in on-prem AD
Members of groups can be added Statically or Dynamically (Using a condition)

Microsoft 365 groups are used to access 365 resources
Only users can be added into a Microsoft 365 group

Privileges Identity Managed (PIM)

Allows users to elevate there permissions to a different role for a fixed period when a certain condition is meet
Allows active assignment (Valid for a fixed time) or eligible assignment (Have to elevate)
Not used for Application Identity Types i.e. Service Principals
Requires AAD Premium 2

Azure AD App Manifest

It is the definition of the application object in the AD Identity Platform
It contains all the configuration related to authentication and authorization

Azure AD Password Protection

Protect passwords from identity attacks like Password Spraying
Uses an auto updating global password ban list to prevent some of certain words
Required AAD Premium 1 or Premium 2

Emergency Access Accounts

Emergency accounts to prevent admins from accidently being locked out of Azure AD
Recommendation is to have two or more emergency access accounts per organization
They are highly privileged and are not assigned to a specific user
These accounts are not federated and not synced from on-premises environment