Strings are immutable once they are created they cannot be changed
The functions that are used to modify string all return a new string (String is immutable) String methods can be chained one after the other

String Formatting

  • String can be concatenated using the ”+” operator but this can get messy very quickly
  • Instead we can make use of String.Format() to format a string as required
  • String Interpolation can also be used for formatting string. Iet is created by adding $ before the string
string firstName = "John";
string lastName = "Smith";
string myName = firstName + " " + lastName;
string alsoMyName = string.Format("{0} {1}", firstName, lastName);
string alsoMyName2 = $"{firstName} {lastName}";

Standard numeric format strings | Microsoft Docs

Verbatim Strings

  • They are string that output the value as it is special characters are not considered
  • They are similar to raw strings/ triple quote strings in Python
string path = "C:\\Users\\David\\Downloads\\sample.txt";
string pathVerbatim = @"C:\Users\David\Downloads\sample.txt";

String Builder Class

  • It is a class that is used to create Mutable String
  • It is defined in the System.Text namespace
  • It does not provide any of the String Searching Methods but in place of that provides String Manipulation Methods
  • We are going to do a lot of manipulation of the data then string builder class should be used as they are faster and more efficient
var mutableString = new StringBuilder();
mutableString.Append('*', 10);
mutableString.Append('*', 10);
mutableString.Insert(0, "12345");
mutableString.Remove(0, 3);