Redshift is an collection of compute resources which we call nodes
A group of nodes is called a cluster

Each cluster runs AWS Redshift engine and each cluster has 1 or more DBs
Each cluster has Leader Node and Compute Nodes

Leader Node receives the query from client applications and creates an query plan
The query plan is then executed by the compute nodes and the final result is aggregated by the leader node which sends the final result to the clients

The compute nodes can transfer data between themselves
Compute Nodes are further divided into Node slices. Slice is an logical partition for disk storage
Each slice consist of this own set of data

The clients communicate with Redshift using JDBC/ OBDC drivers


  • The Leader node of Redshift is designed based on PostgreSQL
  • So the same way we communicate with PostgreSQL we can communicate with Redshift

Data Warehouse System Architecture - Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift Architecture | Towards Data Science

Node Types

Leader Node

SQL endpoint
Stores metadata
Coordinates parallel SQL processing

Compute Node

Local, Columnar Storage
Execute query in parallel
Load, Backup, Restore

Node Configurations

Dense Storage (DS2, RA3) - HDD
Dense Compute (DC2) - SDD