Windows Shortcuts

Win + D (Hide all the Application)
Win + I (Settings)
Ctrl + Alt + Arrow (Rotate the orientation)
Shift and Click (Select everything till the click)
Ctrl + Shift + N (Make a New Folder)
Ctrl + Shift + Windows + B (Resets Graphics Drivers)

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Windows + T: Launches Teams
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Windows + L: Launches LinkedIn
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Windows + P: Launches PowerPoint
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Windows + X: Launches Excel
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Windows + W: Launches Word


Win + Ctrl + Left/ Right (Switch Workspace)
Win + Ctrl + D (New Workspace)
Win + Ctrl + F4 (Close a Workspace)

Word Processor Shortcuts

Home (Start of Line)
End (End of Line)

VSCode Shortcuts

Shift + Alt + Arrow (Context Aware Expand)
Ctrl + Shift + \ (Move to the closing bracket)

F9 (Set Breakpoints)

F10 (Step Over)
F11 (Step Into)
Shift + F11 (Step Out)

F5 (Run in Debug Mode)
Shift + F5 (Run without Debug)
Ctrl + Shift + F5 (Restart Debugging)

Browser Shortcuts

Ctrl + Shift + T (Open closed tabs)
Ctrl + Tab (Switch tab)
Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6 : Select the URL Bar

Excel Shortcut

Alt + H O I (Auto-with Cell)
Alt + H O A (Auto-height Cell)