# List global git configurations
git config --global --list
git config user.name
# Set username and Email Id
git config --global user.name username 	
git config --global user.email email
# List the Repo specific configuration
git config --local --list 				 
# Create global alias for commands
git config --global alias.<alias-name> "<command>"
# Credential Settings
# store: Save creds to an file (.git-credentials)
# cache: Save creds in cache for sometime
# wincred: Save in Windows Credential Store
# manager: Save in Git Credential Manager (Won't work on old versions)
git config --global credential.helper store
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
git config --global credential.helper wincred

The System config is located in the ~/etc/gitconfig file
The git global configuration are stored in the following file ~/.gitconfig
The local configurations we saved in the .git/config file inside the repo

Storing Git Credentials with Git Credential Helper | by Seralahthan | Medium
Git - Credential Storage