It is a open-source container orchestration system
It is based of Borg an Propriety Container Orchestrator created by Google for its internal use
Google open sourced some of the code used in Borg this code became Kubernetes. It is maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

Kubernetes is commonly referred to as K8s or Kube
It allows to run containers distributed across multiple VMs

Kubernetes is ideal for micro-service architecture where tens to hundreds of services that need to be managed

Main Features
High Availability - no downtime
Scalability - high performance
Disaster Recovery - backup and failure

Table of Content

  1. Theoretical Concepts
  2. Kubernetes Components
  3. Other Kubernetes Features

Miscellaneous Commands

kubectl cluster-info
kubectl version
kubectl get nodes
# Restart CoreDNS Service
kubectl -n kube-system rollout restart deployment coredns

kubectl for Docker Users | Kubernetes

kubectl Cheat Sheet | Kubernetes

The port order in Kubernetes is the reverse of Docker (Left: Pod, Right: Node)