Reads items from the standard input, delimited by space or newline, and executes the command for each data (argument)
Allows to perform operations similar to a for loop

seq 5 | xargs -n 1 echo "Hello"
# Hello 1  
# Hello 2  
# Hello 3  
# Hello 4  
# Hello 5
seq 5 | xargs -I{} -n 1 echo "This is {} Hello"
# This is 1 Hello  
# This is 2 Hello  
# This is 3 Hello  
# This is 4 Hello  
# This is 5 Hello
printf "1n2n3n" | xargs -i touch {}.txt

When using -I the string to be replace has to be specified

-i, -I, --replace: Replace Token
-d: Delimiter
-n 2: Use 2 input tokens per execution
-P 2: Run 2 processes at a time


--replace, -n and -L (Max Line) commands are mutually exclusive. The option that is used last in the pipeline will only be processed