DevOps Pipelines

Azure DevOps Pipelines provide YAML based and graphical (legacy) approach for building pipeline
Deployment gates gives us additional control over the start and end of stages in a release pipeline

DevOps Pipeline Components


Self-Hosted Agents are ideal when we required a custom environment for our tools and/ or have some compliance requirement

Agent Pool: Pool of Agents that are scoped to a DevOps Organization

Deployment Group are a logical group of machines that are scoped to stages (DEV, QA, PROD)
They are a set of machines are the configured to be used for a specific stage

Self-Hosted Agents

DevOps Pipeline Triggers

Build Pipeline Triggers

Push Trigger: Start pipeline whenever code is pushed to DevOps
Pull Request Trigger: Start pipeline on a pull request
Scheduled Trigger: Cron job to run the pipeline
Pipeline Trigger: Start a pipeline once another pipeline is complete

Release Pipeline Triggers

After Release: Deploy after an artifact has been modified/ updated
After Stage: Deploy once another stage in Pipeline completes
Manual Only: Trigger pipeline manually

Azure Pipelines New User Guide - Key concepts | Microsoft Learn

Stages in Azure Pipelines - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Learn

Build Container Images to Deploy Apps - Azure Pipelines | Microsoft Learn