Main Components

Forwarder: Universal or Heavy (Reads the data from the source systems)
Indexer: Converts the data from the forwarder into events that are stored a indexes
Search Head: Queries the data from the index and displays to the end user

Splunk Apps/ Add-ons

Additional functionality for Splunk that can be downloaded from Splunkbase
Some paid apps/add-ons are also available for Splunk

Apps have an UI and allow users to configure various parameter’s
Add-ons also add additional features they do not provide a UI (they run in background)
Some add-ons are also called referred to as TAs (Technical Add-ons)

Splunk Enterprise Roles

Splunk Admin: Install Apps, Ingest Data, Create knowledge objects
Splunk Power: Create and share knowledge objects. perform real-time searches
Splunk User: Run searches, edit preferences, create and edit event types

Splunk Search Language is made of five components:
Search Terms: Foundation of the search
Commands: What to do with the search (Chart, Compute, Formatting)
Functions: How to Chart, Compute or Evaluate the results
Arguments: Variables to apply to the function
Clauses: Defines how the results are grouped/defined

Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT)
No operator between fields implies AND
Booleans are evaluated in the order NOT, OR, AND

Booleans & Command Modifiers: Orange
Commands: Blue

Splunk Search Job is active for 10mins (Can be extended to 7 days)
Shared Splunk Search Job active for 7 days

Earliest and Latest functions used in the SPL query have precedence over the same setting set using the Time-range Picker

Splunk Fields

host, source, sourcetype, _raw and _time are fields extracted at index time
Field Types: ∝ (String), # (Numeric)

Interesting Fields are fields that have value in at least 20% of the events
Splunk field names are case-sensitive while the value are not case-sensitive
Calculated fields allows us to store the eval expression required for get that field
Lookup Fields allow to reference data that is not part of the indexed data

| fields: Fields to include in result. Use - before name to exclude a field
| eval: Used to calculate and manipulate field values. Can create a new field
| erex & | rex: Extract fields from data that was not automatically extracted

Field Evaluation Order
Extracted Fields - Field Alias - Calculated Field - Lookup - Event Types - Tags

When the source data contains timestamps during indexing date_* fields are generated for each component of the timestamp (hour, minute, second, etc.)
These fields are not timestamp aware

now(): Returns the time the search was started
time(): Returns the time the event was processed by eval

Reports & Alerts

Scheduled Report priority can only be set by the admin
Scheduled Reports always Run as Owner

Alerts: Scheduled or Real-time
Real-time alert queries are executed continuously in the background

Actions can be triggered when an Scheduled Report or Alert is executed


| table field1 field2: Returns data in a tabular manner
| addtotals: Creates a row or column with some of all numeric values
| fieldformats: Modify data without changing the underlying data

| iplocation: Adds country and city for IP Addresses using an external database
| geostats: Cluster IP addresses on a map

To create choropleth maps .kmz files that have the boundaries are required
! geom: Link indexed data with the polygonal data from the KMZ files

Transforming Commands

Commands that create statistics and visualizations
SPL that contains an transforming command is always executed in smart mode

| top & | rare: Shows the most and least frequent values
| stats: Generate statistics from data

| chart
Over clause defines x-axis
By clause adds granularity (Multi-series plot)
Over clause with 2 fields will be treated as a multi-series plot

| timechart
Charts where time is always the x-axis
The output is always buckets over the time range (Span to change bucket)
For a 60 min search the span is default 1min
For a 24 hour search the span is default 30min

Knowledge Objects

Data Interpretation (Fields, Extracted Fields, Calculated Fields)
Data Classification (Event Types, Transactions)
Data Enrichment (Lookups, Workflow Actions)
Data Normalization (Tags, Fields Aliases)
Data Models (Structured Datasets)