Authorization: Decide who has permission to spend coins
Authentication: Distinguishing authorizes from other users

Transaction Scripts

The Bitcoin script language is not Turing complete
This is done to prevent logic bombs that could cause DDoS attacks
Transaction scrips are stateless
Each script contains all the information required to process the transaction

Output script mentions conditions that have to be meet in future to spend the coins
Input scripts provides the information that is required to spend the coins

The language uses a stack to process the data in the scripts
To spend coins input & output script are placed together & processed (legacy)
In the new version of Bitcoin the scripts are processed separately
The input script is processed first and if there are no operands left the stack is copied and the output script is processed.

The processing is done on a copy of the scripts (Original scrips are not changed)
A transaction is valid if the top of the stack contains a true value (1)

VERIFY opcodes returning false cause script processing to terminate immediately

Multi-signature Scripts

Multi-signature scripts set a condition such that k public keys are recorded in the script and at least t signatures have to be provided to spend the funds (t-to-k)

Output: 2 <Public Key A> <Public Key B> <Public Key C> 3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
Input: <Signature B> <Signature C>

Standard (Bare) Multi-signature scripts are limited 3 public keys in the output
This does not apply to P2SH (15 signs limit), P2WSH and P2TR scripts
P2WSH & P2TR are limited to 20 signatures for a single OP_CHECKMULTISIG

A flaw in the multi-sign operator causes it to pop t+k+3 values instead of t+k+2
To solve this issue an dummy operator (OP_0) is based before the signatures


P2SH was introduced to make multi-sign & other complex scripts simpler to encode
Multi-sign contains many signs which are very long it increases the transaction size
Would result in a higher transaction fee that would have to be paid by sender
The output script would also have to be saved in the UTXOs database till its spend

To solve these issues the hash of the complex script is used in the output script
To spend the coins the script and inputs required by the script has to be provided
This script hash is called redeem script

Output: OP_HASH160 <Hash of redeem script> OP_EQUAL
Input: <Sig1> <Sig2> <redeem script>

With shifts the burden in fees and complexity from sender to the receiver (spender)
Useful in business settings were approval from multiple departments are required for spending funds

P2SH can be used as an address as well. The address is base58check encoded
P2SH addresses use the version prefix 3 in base58 that comes 5
When a wallet sees a address that starts with 5 it knows its a special address
Wallets don’t have to be changed to make payments to P2SH addresses

An P2SH cannot be include inside another P2SH
Since the hash is only checked when its going to be spent, if a transaction is created with a invalid hash then the funds become unspendable


It is used to created outputs that are unspendable
OP_RETURNs are stored on the blockchain but not in the UTXOs database
Transactions that use OP_RETURN generally have amount set to 0
This operator is used by some to perform digital notarization


Lock time

A lock time prevents a transaction from from being spent till a date in the future
The lock is placed on the transaction not on the coins
This is an absolute transaction level time lock

The spender (Alice) could create another transaction and spend the same coins that were promised in the time locked transaction
There is no way to guarantee that Bob would receive the funds


It is a absolute per output lock
Prevents UTXOs from being spend till the time mentioned in the script has passed The time lock mentioned in the output script is checked against the current state of the blockchain

Output: <Bob's pubKey> OP_CHECKSIGVERIFY <now + 3 months> OP_CLTV


It is a relative per output lock
Locks UTXOs from use till the lock time mentioned in the output has been reached
The lock time is calculated from the movement the transaction is added to a block

The time lock value is in the output script is compared with the time lock value that is provided in the sequence field of the input in the new transaction

Control Flow

Bitcoin conditional statements can be nested indefinitely
In the Bitcoin scripting language the condition is placed before OP_IF
OP_IF acts like a guard clause similar to VERIFY opcodes
The condition for OP_IF is provided when the coins are spent (input)

	<Alice's Pubkey>
	<Bob's Pubkey>

<Alice's Sig> OP_TRUE

OP_TRUE causes the 1st path to be executed


Output: 0 <WitProg Hash>

In P2WPKH the output (Witness Program) contains the hash of the public key
The Witness Program is 20 bytes. In SegWit the input script field is empty

The signature (witness) will be included in the Witness Structure (SegWit Input)
The public key hash included in the input has be a compressed key

To old Bitcoin clients a SegWit transaction look like it can be spent by anyone
This is because the input script is empty. No context of the Witness Structure


Output: 0 <WitScript Hash>
Input: <SigA> <SigB> 2 <PubA> <PubB> <PubC> <PubD> <PubE> 5 OP_CHECKMULTISIG

In P2WSH the output (Witness Program) contains the hash of the redeem script
The Witness Program is 32 bytes

The signatures & redeem script will be in the Witness Structure (SegWit Input)
The difference is length is used by nodes to differentiate between the two types

P2WPKH and P2WSH can both be embedded within a P2SH
Used in situations were the the sender (Alice) does not support SegWit but the recipient (Bob) supports SegWit

Merklized Alternative Script Trees

MAST allows the inclusion of multiple execution paths in a output script (similar to OP_IF) while only revealing the script that is executed
Reduces the space that is required to store the transaction and improves privacy
Each alternate script is represented as root nodes in a binary tree and are pairwise hashed will the Merkle root is generated

The Merkle root is included in the transactions output
To spend the transaction the user needs to provide hashes that show the path from the executed script to the Merkle root

Pay to Contract (P2C)

Bob wants to buy item from Alice and wants to be able to prove later that he paid
Alice and Bob agree on the name of the item
They hash and name and interpret the hash as numbers

Bob adds this number to Alice’s public key and pays to it
This process is called key tweaking and the number is knows as tweak
Alice can spend the funds by tweaking the private key with the same number
If a dispute were to arise Bob can reveal the tweak and public key that was used