Signature is created using transaction commitment (hash) and senders private key

: Signing Algorithm

Schnorr and ECDSA both produce Sig that has two components
These values are converted into a serialized byte stream
ECDSA signatures are stored as DER (Distinguished Encoding Rules)
To verify a signature we require the message (serialized), signature and public key


The signature can commit to the entire transaction or only to some inputs/outputs
This commitment is represented using the SIGHASH flag

ALL: Sign all inputs and outputs
NONE: Sign all inputs but none of the outputs
SINGLE: Sign all inputs and only outputs that have the same index

ANYONECANPAY: Can be combined with all the above and only signs one input

ALL|ANYONECANPAY: Sign one input and all outputs
NONE|ANYONECANPAY: Sign one input and no outputs
SINGLE|ANYONECANPAY: Sign one input and the output with same index

Schnorr Signature

Provable Security
Depends on the difficulty to some Discrete Logarithm Problems (DLP) and the ability of hash function to generate unpredictable values

: Additivity
: Homogeneity of degree 1

Batch Verification
Allows to verify multiple signatures at the same time quicker than performing the verification one at a time

Key Generation

x: Private Key (Number chosen at random)
G: Generator Point on the EC
xG: Private Key (Calculated using EC multiplication)

For Bitcoin the value of G is fixed
Even though the value of G is known the value of Alice’s private key cannot be derived from the public key because of difficulty of DLP
Alice cannot give x to Bob to verify that the Public key

Signature Generation

k: Random Number (Private Nonce)
Multiply with G to produce kG (Public Nonce)

Alice chooses message m (transaction data)
e = Hash(kG || xG || m). This is the challenger scalar
Alice calculates s = k + ex
kG and s forms Alice’s signature
These 2 components are shared with anyone who wants to verify the signature

Signature Verification

For verification full nodes can computer sG using s that is shared

If the above is valid the full nodes can be sure Alice knows x
The above expression is a scaled up version of Alice’s private key

Signature Serialization

kG is a point on the curve. Has co-ordinates (x, y)
Only the x co-ordinate is required so only the value of x is stored
Both values are 32 bytes long
They are serialized as kG followed by s giving a 64 byte signature

Scriptless Multi-Sign

Alice and Bob decide to work together to sign a message
Alice generates yG where y is her private key
Bob generates zG where z is his private key
xG = yG + zG (Aggregate public key)

Alice choses a random private nonce a and Bob choses a random private nonce b
They generated there random public nonce aG and bG
kG = aG + bG (Aggregate public nonce)

Challenge scalar: e = Hash(kG || xG || m)
Alice generates the scalar q = a + ey and Bob generates the scalar r = b + ez
The scalars are added together s = p + r
The signature is (kG, s)
